The Call and Preparation
(Told by Dr. Roger Wågsjö)
A turning point came to pass in 1982 when my family and I lived in Stockholm, Sweden. One afternoon, I went into our kitchen to prepare a sandwich, when suddenly I heard God ask me if I would be willing to give up both my opera career and country for Him. When I responded that I would, an angel then touched me and I fell onto the kitchen floor and immediately had a vision of a great and vast harvest field ready for harvesting. However, when I observed the ears of the corn, the kernels were replaced with human faces—some crying, others sick and oppressed. (I have since seen some of these faces in the mission field.) I then heard the voice of the Lord, commanding me in English, "I am calling you to the last harvest!"
After having this experience, God instructed me to fast (drinking only water) and pray for forty days and nights. These scriptures He gave me: "...the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing (fat)" (Isaiah 10:27 KJV) and "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." (Romans 12:1 KJV).
The Lord directed me to present to Him, not only my will and my thoughts, but also my body—to give Him my fat and he would, in return, give me more of His anointing (fat). Once the 40 days and nights were completed, God told me to break the fast and eat as though I had not fasted, a miracle in itself. With His anointing on my stomach, I was able to eat, with ease, a full-spread dinner followed by dessert which my loving wife, Consuelo, had so deliciously prepared.
An important note I would like to make is that during this time of fasting, I received instruction from God to both sell and donate most of our possessions in Sweden, and to purchase four airfares to travel to the United States to live with my family.